Friday, March 2, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

CR 123

This is series I took earlier today on County Road 123 in Gainesville, TX. I was somewhat determined to get out of the house and shoot something I considered "pretty". I didn't take into account that I have been, and currently am, quite sick with a cold and couldn't see very well --at all resulting in dangerous driving and out of focus pictures.
 I actually pulled a U-ey on an old gravel road when I saw the sun on that green vine with the leaves to the left. 

 This one I chose to use for my 365 today. I feel it has a very "you caught me, but don't hurt me" look. Also the wind in the dress makes my butt look huge.
 This on I like the movement in the dress a lot. I almost wish it had been as out of focus as the rest.
This is the only one I've edited at all, the others are sooc. I think the damn vine is what's killing most of these for me, but the colors I love especially for sooc.