Monday, September 6, 2010


i'm terrible at posting. this blog was supposed to capture my thoughts on each and every 365 pic so i could look back and remember what a noob i was. but instead it's just a barren wasteland full od reallllly old stuff and irrelevance and blah blah. anyway i'm posting now!

so my 365 today was for theme of the week which was dancing. i thought about the mamushka from the addams family movie. when i was kid i LOVED that movie! I thought morticia addams was what women should look like and i guess that started my love of macabre things.

lately i've noticed that my mind set is sort of goofy about that, meaning; i LOVE gore and macabre and grunge in movies and photoshoots. the weirder or bloodier the better!! but i DO NOT like real life gore.

i foolishly got on /b/ on 4chan to post something stupid, and discovered a gore thread and i followed that baby till it disappeared. to the point that i had a knot in my stomach (very rare that blood does that). so i guess i just feel the need to state that i LOVE LOVE LOVE gore and creepy strange things when i know they're fake, but i soooo do not want to see anything real.

it doesn't make sense, but i feel better having typed it. self disclosure i suppose...

so this image is my mock-vintage mamushka flip. i like that the body has movement but the face seems pretty still. sad, but still. i think it helps anchor the image and makes it interesting. like, what's sad about flipping and mamushka-ing?

so yeah...
okay this was lame, but at least i posted SOMETHING!

Friday, June 18, 2010


both taken today, so it's only fair for them to share a post. The first image is glow stick under the eyes, with PS over the eyes. (it wound up in my eyes anyways btw) and the second is a bathtub pic. possibly my favorite in a long time.


for some odd reason i really love this washed out, overly contrasted black and white version. original's not on this comp, so this'll have to do.


^sooc (unedited)
> edited


for some reason i thought syrup would be darker...

alternate and original below:


fight club!
day 184 and inspiration.

& my newly white hair, oh and my gargantuan pores, which i am too lazy to edit out right now.


flickr inspired, blue and pink.


this day doesn't really have any outtakes, and the original is very similar so i'll just say that this was for TRP's finger guns. I didn't want to go too cliche, so no spy's and no suicides. that's jeff's finger gun i might add. evidently this image is "powerful" but to be honest it's not intended to be.

by the way, what's more annoying than when people deem your work as "" and "" (insert your own descriptive words). i mean, i just wanted to make something interesting to look at. maybe this is a statement on how guns aren't as great a weapon as the person holding it. maybe not.


i'm catching up so i'm gonna have to post a few more of these back to back, forgive m,e if i haven't got a whole lot to say.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my three sixty five

so i think i'm going to post my pic here and do a little explanation and include some outtakes if there are any. just to keep track? i've been viewing other streams on flickr, and i feel like 200ish is where most people find there niche and start really creating some awesome stuff. and as i approach that number, i feel like i'm growing and i can look back and really see a difference. so, here's today's shot.

the theme was beer, and that is some tasty pineapple chick beer i'm spitting. this was a fun mini shoot, minus the sticky-ness everywhere.
and some outakes and the original:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

blue skies ahead

today i started the cave man diet. not because i want to be a cavewoman, BUT because yesterday my body tried to kill me via cramps that might be caused by eating diary and wheat.

it's only for a week, so i think i'll live.

but i do miss my chocolate!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Favorites?

most of the time i am a follower here on blogger, but NO MORE! my Chinese New Year resolution is to blog more. Lame as that may be, I shall begin with FRIDAY FAVORITES!! :D
and this friday my favorite thing is:
Animals in the snow!

it's cold out there today, and i have a paper due in 12 hours.
guess i'll go watch cinema paradiso!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i think im going to get fired.
that's never happened before...

Friday, January 8, 2010

i don't like your blog. you seem very full of yourself and unable to understand a childhood outside of church. that is all. goodbye.

today i post for the ex's
or the guys i wanted to be ex's

from last to first:
d.o. you are such an adorable idiot. i love you and i hate you and you make it so easy to do the latter. but i think i more the first. like that time we were getting chicken express and you head butted me on the arm and chanted der-ak smash!

c.t. you'll never know what you missed, cause you never really knew me. in every face you look, i bet you only see your reflection. when you wake up, it's gonna be the hardest revelation.

m.b. there's no amount of excuses for not being honest. especially at that exact moment when we needed it.

b.r. fourth grade is so over.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

i have been given permission to return to work on tuesday.
i secretly hope i can return and give two weeks notice. or less.
maybe the frigid outdoors makes me a better photog?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i got suspended from work today.
i guess i could either be productive or bash my boss.
a little of both?
sally anderson is not a person, sally anderson is a ballsack.

Monday, January 4, 2010

i stole every last one of those. i can't take a good picture today. but i will on thursday!!!